Hi, I am Shadan

J2 student at Victoria Junior College

About Me

I’m Shadan, a J2 student at Victoria Junior College in class 24S56. Below is an overview of my educational journey through the years:

2018 - 2019

Elias Park Primary School

EPPS logo

2020 - 2023

Victoria School

VS logo

2024 - Present

Victoria Junior College

VJC logo

My Skills

A showcase of my expertise in programming, design, and productivity tools:


Powerful, versatile programming language balancing speed with object-oriented features.


Easy-to-learn, popular, beginner-friendly language known for its clear code and wide range of uses.


The building blocks of web pages, defines structure and content for browsers to display.


Adds visual flair to webpages, controlling fonts, colors, layout, and more for a polished look.

Microsoft Excel

A spreadsheet powerhouse, ideal for analysis, organization, and visualization.


The engine of dynamic web pages, bringing interactivity and functionality to life in the browser.

Premiere Pro

A professional-grade video editor, enabling seamless storytelling and creative effects.


The ultimate digital canvas, offering powerful tools for image editing and graphic design.

My Achievements

This section highlights some of my accomplishments, including awards, certifications, and leadership positions. Here, you'll get a glimpse of my dedication, impact, and value!

Year Achievement - Click to see certificate (if applicable)
2018 National Mathematical Olympiad of Singapore (NMOS) - Bronze
Class Monitor
2019 Elias Park Honours Day - Scholar
Singapore Mathematical Olympiad for Primary School (SMOPS) - Participation
2020 Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) (Junior) - Honourable Mention
Class Information Technology (IT) Representative
2021 Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) (Junior) - Honourable Mention
Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) (English Drama) - Certificate of Distinction
Class Information Technology (IT) Representative
2023 NUS Statistics Competition - Winner of First Prize
Singapore Junior Physics Olympiad (SJPO) - Bronze
Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) (English Drama) - Certificate of Distinction
Victoria School English Drama SYF Stage Manager
Victoria School English Drama EXCO (Head of Productions)
Singapore Physics League (SPhL) (Junior) - Participation
Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) (Senior) - Participation
2024 Student at the MINDEF Sentinel Programme - JC1
Victoria Junior College iGlobe EXCO - Logistic Director
Singapore Model Cabinet (SMC) - Conference Staff
Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) (Open) - Participation
2025 Student at the MINDEF Sentinel Programme - JC2
Orientation Group Leader for VJC Orientation (JCO)
National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI) - Participant
Singapore Model Cabinet (SMC) - Under-Secretary-General for Conference Management

My Projects

Here is a selection of projects I've completed, showcasing my skills and creative problem-solving abilities. Explore a variety of projects to get a sense of my experience and the types of challenges I can tackle.

Project Description
Plant Clicker Game Simple game made with Python using Tkinter library for GUI. Inspired by Cookie Clicker.
Password Generator Generates an 8-character (alphanumeric) password using the Random library in Python. Was used for a project involving developing a digital smart door lock connected to IoT.
Circle Inscribed Triangle This Python project calculates the length of side, perimeter, and area of a triangle inscribed inside a circle of given radius. Also gives circumference and area of the circle.
Pokedex A Pokédex super search engine that can search for Pokémon based on their stats or types.
Webfolio This is the website you're currently on—an online portfolio to learn more about me!
Complex3D A Flask web app that represents functions of x that result in imaginary values on three axes, x, real y, and imaginary y.
Elevator Simulator A simple elevator simulator for a 10-floor building built in a Flask web app.

Contact Me

I'm always excited to discuss new projects, opportunities, or ideas. Feel free to reach out!


I respond quickly to emails. Whether it's about collaboration, inquiries, or just to chat!


Let's connect on LinkedIn. You can view my background, recommendations, and recent updates.


Explore my repositories and check out the code I’ve been working on. I am open to collaborating!